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Weary HERcules

 We start and finish with a ?

Why are they weary?

Weary of biological essentialism and persons defined by genital organs.

Weary of overt phallicization everywhere in all that is classically and canonically defined as 'great', genius', 'monumental', etc.

Weary with the neurotic need to phallicize females or even transfemales in order to 'complete' them, to compensate for Freudian hang-ups, and the spawn of fetishistic representations which occur as a result.

The thought that to be valid as a phallus it must now be large, erect, impressive (in complete contrast to the ancient Greek aesthetic, in which such representations were degraded as bestial and uncivilised).

The phallus is, by coincidence, fortunate indeed to be capable of being represented by innumerable natural and human-made objects, in which the masculine, dominant, ordering principle can happily see itself reflected eternally, multiplied, throughout nature and civilisation alike, in any rigid form thrusting skywards. 

Lysippus' original masterpiece defines a hero at the end of his journey (the hand behind his back in the original holds the golden apples of the Hesperides, his final labour). What does this 21st Century labourer hold to signify the success and resolution of their trials - the castrated balls of patriarchal oppression, or a certificate confirming their legal gender diverse personhood?

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